How to cut and use bias binding for finishing edges

How to cut and use bias binding for finishing edges

How to cut and use bias binding for finishing edges. We love sharing sewing hacks, so here is another one.

1️. Cut a square piece.

2️. Cut the square piece at a diagonal, along the centerline, to get two identical triangles.

3️. Place the two pieces right sides together and machine-stitch one side at 1 cm (3/8») from the edge.

4️. Press the seam allowances open.

5️. Mark the width of the binding strips (for example, 3–4 cm [1 1/8–1 5/8»]) and cut, following the marked lines.

Important! Cut the strips on the bias, that is at a 45-degree angle to the selvedge on the fabric.

How to form the bias binding

Use a strap slide adjuster. In this case, the strip of fabric should be twice the width of the inside diameter of the slider. For example, cut a 3 cm (1 1/8") wide strip of fabric for a strap slide adjuster with an inside diameter of 1.5 cm (5/8").

1️. Cut one end of the strip at a right angle.

2️. Fold the long edges to the wrong side, toward the center line.

3️. Run the strip of fabric with its edges folded through the slider, over the post.

4️. Use the tip of the iron to press the peeking-out part of the binding.

5️. Next, gently push the strap slide adjuster to the left with the iron’s tip, simultaneously fixing the folded edges with the iron. Use the fingers of your second hand to hold the edges of the binding in a folded position so that the slider does not move.

How to finish the edge with the binding

1️. Unfold one long, pressed edge of the binding and place it to the right side of the garment, aligning the edges. Fold the rest of the binding out of the way.

2️. Machine-stitch, following the pressed fold, the one closer to the edge of the garment.

3️. Fold the binding over to the wrong side of the garment, so that the folded edge covers the binding-to-garment seam by 1 mm.

4️. Trim the ends of the binding at an angle and fold them under.

5️. Secure the free edge of the binding by either stitching in the ditch of the first seam or stitching through both layers of the binding at 1 mm from the folded edge. Press the finished binding.

Finishing edges with bias binding is a great alternative to overlocking them.

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