Do you have trouble with finishing paired darts on the same level? It is a very common problem for beginners. They are almost everywhere: chest darts, waist darts, etc. So, what to do? Here is one life hack on how to sew darts perfectly symmetrical to the body axes or the center line.
Just put perpendicular marks on both darts. The point of the dart on each pattern is indicated by a mark or a cross. Draw the dart leg lines from the pattern on the fabric using chalk. Then fold both darts and make sure that the dart point markings match. Please note that the marking lines should be thin. When you perform stitching, stop exactly on these lines.
Important! Do not forget to test the chalk or felt-tip pen on a piece of fabric beforehand. It should be easy to remove.
More sewing tips are here:
How to transfer pattern markings onto fabric
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